Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Key consideration while working with the Sitecore Support team and changes after 8.2 or later versions.

Sitecore support team perform well in most critical situations and it depends on the support package and licensing model,

They have recently automated the process to share the files and configuration, Here in this section, I will try to cover below points.

1. Support Programs offered by Sitecore and how this model work.
2. Key consideration and best practices to avoid delay.
3. Tips and key points from my past learning.
4. Changes after 8.2 or later versions.

Support Programs offered by Sitecore 

Sitecore has a support model and it depends on your license like which model you fit in, they also provide 24/7 premium support for critical items.

Here are some categories. Severity level - Critical, High, Medium and Low.

More details can be found here-

Key consideration -

1. First, try to replicate this issue on Vanilla setup, You may create a video clip or capture the proper screenshots.
2. Always provide the complete details and steps if required.
3. Choose the right category, Sitecore version, and OS details.
4.  Share the basic information - You can find more details here  -

Requierd files are -
 - "Web.config" file;
 - "/App_Config" folder contents;
 - "Data/logs" folder contents (Sitecore log files).

If you are using Sitecore version 8.2 or later then follow this link- to learn about an automatic way of collecting this information
Please consider consulting the following article to learn about an automatic way of collecting this information:

5. Please upload files larger than 10 MB to the Sitecore Support FTP server:

Tips and key points from my past learning.

1. For random behavior try to capture some video clip and that will help to provide the exact scenario and details.

2. For most critical items/ or failure try to provide some offline time to support team to come up with there finding/observation or resolution. We may ask for the call but sometimes working in offline model work very well.

3. If there are more then 4-5 conversation and still not able to clear about the problem statement, Try to request a direct call or setup for gotomeeting.

Changes after 8.2 or later versions.

Sitecore has recently added a new option to send all required files automatically to the support team to diagnose the issue.

Generally, Before this option, In case of any major issue, Sitecore support team first ask was to provide all the configuration in below format.

The basic information about your instance as described in the article ( :
 - "Web.config" file;
 - "/App_Config" folder contents;
 - "Data/logs" folder contents (Sitecore log files).

Click on the support package link.

Select the duration of the configuration and log files here.

Click next button.

You will get an option to choose the required files and configurations.

You can choose basic and advanced information, In case of random or major issues, it would be helpful to send all the basic and advanced files.

A package will be generated based on your selection.

You can download your package to verify that correction information or to keep a copy with you or can upload to the FTP

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Sitecore - Quick steps to setup Sitecore client in different languages.

Although I have covered localization of site and role in a separate article, but here wanted to provide details for the Sitecore client Multilanguage feature.

Complete details for Role and multilingual setup

Sample Sitecore client for Japanese language.

I have been using this feature and here are the simple steps.

Login into Sitecore -

Create a User and go to language settings.

There are two option - First is to setup the Sitecore Client language and second is to setup the content level default langauge.

Setup this language to Japenese and login again by new user.

Menu items.

For the user specific access, this can be setup through the right access manager.

Practical Video.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Rendering Parameters - Experience editor - Step by step for the implementation.

Although, I am sure all reader know this very will but here wanted to add some key points.

Rendering parameters can be used to pass parameters to sitecore presentation components. Basically tey are used to control the presentation of the component by these parameters.

Key benefits:-

1.      No need to maintain content separately.
2.      Easy to use.
3.      Real feature of WYSWIG editor.
4.      Editorial team love it.
5.      Design at the design time and multiple variant/combination can be easily verified.

Create a rendering.
Create a template and add appropriate fields like size ( Single line text) and Heading (Siingle Line text)
Change the base tempalate to standard rendering parameters.

         Now go to rendering section and provide the reference of this template.

      Now if we go to experience editor, this parameter will be there, Add the rendereing parameter values.

      These values can be consumed on the rendering by simply below code.

@using Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls;
@using Sitecore.Web;
    string heading = string.Empty, test = string.Empty;
    var renderingParam = Sitecore.Mvc.Presentation.RenderingContext.CurrentOrNull;
    if (renderingParam != null)
        var parms = renderingParam.Rendering.Parameters;
        heading = parms["Heading"];
        test = parms["Test"];

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Presented Sitecore 9 Key Features in Manchester Sitecore Technical User Group

After coming from the Sitecore Symposium 2017, I have decide to share the knowledge with my all colleagues and friends.

I was trying to find out a host for the meetup but was very difficult, I decided to host that event from my pocket to share the Sitecore experience with all tech people in Manchester UK.

I started to explain my Sitecore Commerece journey first and than started Sitecore 9 key features.

Here are a few details - Link

Some pics -

I have explained below items and slide.

Key Highlights

  1. Sitecore 9 – A quick overview
  2. Sitecore 9 installation through SIF
  3. Sitecore 9 Form
  4. DEF-Sitecore Data exchange framework
  5. xConnect.
  6. Role based configuration
  7. Marketing Automation
  8. Sitecore Cortex
  9. Sitecore Experience commerce (XC)
  10. Horizon
  11. Zenith
  12. Q&A
  13. Open Discussion

Here is the agenda slide

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Sitecore 9- Forms - Step by Step details to create and configure a new page through experience editor and capture the data.

Webforms is a new feature introduced in Sitecore 9, it's the type of replacement of WFFM.

This section will cover below points.

1. Key benefits of Sitecore Forms.
2. Steps to create a new form.
3. Setup layout, rendering, and control to use the Experience editor.
4. Create a new page.
5. Capture user data
6. Followed by sample code.

Key benefits.

1. More dynamic UI to generate the forms.
2. Field level customization.
3. Track each field performance through goal and analytics.
4.  Lot of fields, lists, and security options are available.
5. Can be easily used through the Experience editor.
6. Can be extended or easily customized.
7. xConnect configuration - This is an important benefit, As the data can easily capture through the xConnect and that is going to be a leading or key areas in upcoming days.

Steps to create a new form.

Login into Sitecore and go to Form section.

Click on ad new form section

Design your form, Here single field and list option can be added easily.

All new forms can be found in the content tree node.

Setup layout, rendering, and control to use the Experience editor.

Create a new layout and there is a defualt rendering available for the webform, I have set up a test project here.

 Setup this layout on the content and choose the web form rendering.

Enable the placeholder settings, based on the project requirements.

Open content in experience editor and set up the form.

Publish the page and it will be available at the front end.

Capture user data 

Sitecore.ExperienceForms can be extended to write custom logic or any operations, I have added a sample code where this can be achieved.

Official document and reference:-

Reference video for this article -

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sitecore 9 - Step by Step installation through SIF (Sitecore Installation Framework)

I got a chance to discuss SIF framework with Kieran and core team at Sitecore Office Bristol, UK than at Symposium 2017 in las vegas, USA.

Video series by Kieran -

Here are the steps and details.

SIF is a new installation framework for the Sitecore and has a lot of features, I will first explain the installation process then will discuss the features.

Prerequisites -

1. Solr - It should run on HTTPS.
    Instruction :-
    Required keytool and openssl
    Download Openssl from -
    Download NSSM -
3  Microsoft PowerShell® version 5.0 or later.
4. Web Platform Installer 5.0.
5. Sitecore installation framework .
6.  SQL server 2016
7.  VS2017

Here are the key steps for the installation-

1. Setup Solr on HTTP  - it's very easy to setup the Solr on HTTP,  here are the steps.

Download Solr from the below link.

Download the zip file-

2. Extract this zip file and place on your prefered drive, I have placed this on C drive.
    Make sure you have JAVA JRE Setup Java

     Ref- Linkk

Check your Java version for the confirmation.

3. Generate the certificate - Follow this link -
4. Install Solr as a service.
Download the tool and run the below command.

Installation details-

Verify solr

Note:- I have been working on Solr 6.6.1 , hence did setup for Solr6.6.1,
1. Sitecore site to download the SIF framework and setup.

2. Install SIF Framework.

Download -

Click on this link then a details page will be open.

There are two ways.

1. Install through github.

Open power shell and run bleow command

Register-PSRepository -Name SitecoreGallery -SourceLocation

Install-Module SitecoreInstallFramework

2. download the package and install through command power shell - you can place this module in power shell default module section or any custom location.

Import-Module \SitecoreInstallFramework 

check the installation version.


Get-Module SitecoreInstallFramework –ListAvailable

Setup required framework details in C:\resource folder -

Setup the required permission mentioned in the installation document.
Setup the required Web Platform Installer 5.0 as mentioned in the document

Create a new file install.ps1 ( As mentioned in above screen).

this will look like this.

Run this command and you will be able to install this.

here are the instance details.

Landing page

xConnect -

Key observation and tricks.

1. If you are using different solr version - Make sure to update the install.ps1 file.

2. You can customize the installation files based on the environment.

Video reference:-

If you have any query, Please feel free to ask here.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Sitecore Commerce 8.2.1 -How to rebuild all catalogs

Here are simple steps to rebuild the commerce catalog.

Please check that your local catalogue service is up and running.

Sample function to run the rebuild.

public TaskResults Run()
            var context = CatalogContext.Create(new CatalogServiceAgent(""));

            var rebuildProgress = context.RebuildAllCatalogs(true);

            // 30 second refresh interval.
            const int refreshInterval = 30000;
            // Monitor the progress of the import operation.
            while (rebuildProgress.Status == CatalogOperationsStatus.InProgress)
                Log.Info(string.Format("Rebuilding {0} in progress...", rebuildProgress.CatalogName));

            if (rebuildProgress.Status == CatalogOperationsStatus.Failed || rebuildProgress.Status == CatalogOperationsStatus.CompletedWithErrors)
                foreach (var error in rebuildProgress.Errors)
                    Log.Error(string.Format("Error message: {0}", error.Message));

            if (rebuildProgress.Status == CatalogOperationsStatus.Failed)
                return TaskResults.Fail;

            return TaskResults.Succeed;

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Setup iPhone8 simulator for Sitecore experience editor

It's really a cool feature to view your content in the latest simulator, it's very simple, follow the below steps and enjoy.
First, I would like to provide quick details about Sitecore Simulator then will provide quick steps to set up the iPhone8 simulator for the Sitecore experience editor.
Path for the simulator in Sitecore- /sitecore/layout/Simulators
Where you can use this through the experience editor.
Go to preview mode and your default site will look like below, If you are in the experience editor mode click on the edit mode.
Your screen will look like this: -
Click on the None button to choose the desired simulator.
Let’s select an iPhone
The view will look like this.
You can use the Rotate button to change from portrait to landscape.

Now, Let’s go and customize your own viewport for the device simulator.
Will create a new simulator and customize this.
Duplicate the existing simulator, Let’s give it a name iPhone8
This will look like this –

User-agent is the default browser setup, we are not going to change this here, this looks same for Sitecore 8.1 and 8.2.
Change the background image for iPhone 8
Go to the path: - /sitecore/media library/System/Simulator Backgrounds/iPhone.
Will add two images here – Kindly change your images based on the need.
Here I have set up this simulator for 375 * 812
Create duplicate items of iPhone and iPhone Landscape and provide the name like iPhone8 and iPhone8_Landscape.
Click on attach and choose your file –
Now, go to the simulator and change the background image from there.
Change this to the landscape also, here are the steps.
Click on browse and select the newly uploaded image. I have highlighted the new dimension for the new simulator
Change the screen height and width in the simulator section based on your design. That’s it, now go to experience editor and enjoy.
Preview comparison for existing and new iPhone Setup.

Hope this post will be helpful, please share your feedback here