Saturday, February 2, 2019

Sitecore commerce - Fix for SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException: The operation has timed out.

While rebuilding the indexes, We got below errors -

SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException: The operation has timed out

Fix - I have increased the time

Path - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\.dev.local\App_Config\Sitecore\ContentSearch

This is the default setting

We have updated the value to 600000 and it resolved the issue.

Result -

Friday, February 1, 2019

Sitecore Commerce 8.2 - Monitor Minion Services.

Basically for the Sitecore commerece a window service is running the minion service.

Service Recovery Setting

Windows services provides an option to decide what to do when the service fails. It can restart the service, run another program or restart the machine itself.

The recovery settings can be set to restart the service on 1st and 2nd failure and any subsequent fails will trigger a script which can perform any preferred actions:

  1. Send email / SMS
  2. Call a service
  3. Send a slack message Etc.

Bash script monitoring the service

There are several ways to monitor multiple services and provides some visualization on that as well as perform some action based on the state of the service.

With PowerShell we can get the list of services we want and check their status in an interval and either output it or perform an action. The following blog has a sample script which can help with this approach.

There are many commercial or free external tools which provides monitoring on Windows services as well.