Sunday, February 5, 2023

How I fixed my Sitecore CM instance when it wouldn't come up (Invoke-RestMethod "http://localhost:8079/api/http/routers0


My Sitecore CM instance wasn't coming up, and I was getting the following error:

Write-Error: Timeout waiting for Sitecore CM to become available via Traefik proxy. Check CM container logs

I checked the Docker logs and found that the issue was with the license file path. The license file was located on a different drive than the one that Sitecore was expecting.

To fix the issue, I did the following:

Deleted all the Docker containers.
Initialized the Sitecore instance again.
Set the license file path using the following command:
setx HOST_LICENSE_FOLDER D:\\license
Ran the up script to start the Docker containers.
After following these steps, the Sitecore CM instance came up and I was able to log in.

If you're having trouble getting your Sitecore CM instance to come up, be sure to check the license file path and make sure it's set correctly.