Here are a few simple steps to configure a new minion which will run 12 hours and identify the problem statement orders
and will send an email to a configured email id and will send a slack message to a channels.
Step 1 - Configure Environment minion service variables.
"$type": "Sitecore.Commerce.Core.MinionPolicy, Sitecore.Commerce.Core",
"WakeupInterval": "12:00:00",
"ListToWatch": "TestProblemOrders",
"FullyQualifiedName": "Feature.Commerce.Orders.Engine.Minions.TestProblemOrderReconcileMinion, Feature.Commerce.Orders.Engine",
"ItemsPerBatch": 100,
"SleepBetweenBatches": 500
"$type": "Feature.Commerce.Orders.Engine.Policies.TestProblemOrderReconciliationPolicy, Feature.Commerce.Orders.Engine",
"NotificationAlertPrefix": "Test Slack Channel Message",
"ToAddresses": "",
"NotificationAddresses": "",
"FromAddressEmailAddress": "",
"EnabledNotification": true
Step 2 - Configure Environment minion service variables.
Configure Project/Project.Commerce.Engine/Engine/ConfigureSitecore.cs to register the DI
Setup a class in commerce foundation to send the email notification.
Define an interface -
public interface ISendEmail
void Send(SmtpClientSettings settings);
Class implementation -
public class TestSendEmail : ISendEmail
/// Sends the email.
/// The settings.
public void Send(SmtpClientSettings settings)
if (settings?.EmailMessage == null)
Task emailTask = Task.Run(async () =>
Define a policy for all smtp configurations.
Step 3 - Define a new pipeline interface and class for notification.
using Foundation.Commerce.Infrastructure.Engine.Models;
using Sitecore.Commerce.Core;
using Sitecore.Framework.Pipelines;
namespace Foundation.Commerce.Infrastructure.Engine.Pipelines
public interface ISendEmailPipeline : IPipeline
using Foundation.Commerce.Infrastructure.Engine.Models;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Sitecore.Commerce.Core;
using Sitecore.Framework.Pipelines;
namespace Foundation.Commerce.Infrastructure.Engine.Pipelines
public class SendEmailPipeline : CommercePipeline, ISendEmailPipeline
public SendEmailPipeline(IPipelineConfiguration configuration, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
:base(configuration, loggerFactory)
Step 4 - Define pipeline block
namespace Foundation.Commerce.Infrastructure.Engine.Pipelines.Blocks
public class TestSendNotificationBlock : PipelineBlock
private readonly ISendEmail _sendEmail;
public SendNotificationBlock(ISendEmail sendEmail)
this._sendEmail = sendEmail;
public override async Task Run(NotificationMessage arg, CommercePipelineExecutionContext context)
if (arg == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg.Description) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg.Subject))
// send email message
return false;
Step 5 - Create a new minion class for order reconciliation under /Feature.Commerce.Orders.Engine/Minions
namespace Feature.Commerce.Orders.Engine.Minions
public class ProblemOrderReconcileMinion : Minion
private ISendEmailPipeline _sendEmailPipeline;
public override void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ILogger logger, MinionPolicy policy,
CommerceEnvironment environment,
CommerceContext globalContext)
base.Initialize(serviceProvider, logger, policy, environment, globalContext);
_sendEmailPipeline = serviceProvider.GetService();
public override async Task Run()
var ordersList = await this.GetListItems(this.Policy.ListToWatch, this.Policy.ItemsPerBatch);
var orders = ordersList as Order[] ?? ordersList.ToArray();
Logger.LogInformation($"[Problem Order Reconciliation Minion] Problem Orders {orders.Length}", this);
if (!orders.Any())
Logger.LogWarning("No Problem Orders Found!");
return new MinionRunResultsModel() { Name = Name, ItemsProcessed = 0};
Logger.LogInformation($"[Problem Order Reconciliation Minion] Triggering Send Email Pipeline", this);
var isMailSent = await _sendEmailPipeline.Run(CreateEmailMessage(orders), this.MinionContext.GetPipelineContextOptions());
var result = isMailSent ? "Successful" : "Failed";
Logger.LogInformation($"[Problem Order Reconciliation Minion] Email Status {result}", this);
return new MinionRunResultsModel() { Name = Name, ItemsProcessed = orders.Count()};
that's it, it's very simple to configure the minion service in Sitecore commerce.