Saturday, November 2, 2019

SItecore (SC) and Sitecore experience commerce (SXC) - Databases, Sites and Solr Indexes.

Here are the high-level details for the Sitecore and Sitecore commerce databases, Sites in IIS and Solr indexes.

In my view, It's very important to understand all required/needed backed storage system to understand the data flow.

I have tried to draw a line for Sitecore and Sitecore commerce, In future, if you want to customize/change in DB or Solr Index you should have a complete understanding of that.

As a next step, I will try to explain schema details for all solr indexes and how you can review or change if needed like adding a new custom filter, introducing a new field etc.

Component Diagram

The Sitecore Experience Platform has three search frameworks:

  1. Content Search, which is used by various components primarily to search and index Sitecore items. Sitecore provides you with several options for configuring search results and indexing for content search.
  2. xConnect Search, which is used to search and index experience data.
  3. Commerce Search, which is used to search and index customers and orders.

Reference -  Sitecore documents

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