Monday, January 9, 2023

Resolving "curl: (6) Could not resolve host:" Error in Dockerized Headless Setup

Encountering errors during the configuration of a headless setup using Docker can be a stumbling block for developers. In this blog post, we'll address a specific issue where the error "curl: (6) Could not resolve host:" surfaced and explore a straightforward solution to overcome this hurdle.

Error Details:

The error manifested while attempting to run a headless setup with Docker. Despite successfully accessing the Dockerfile at \docker\build\nodejs\Dockerfile through a web browser, the persistent issue persisted, causing frustration and hindering progress.

Error Log:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host:


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

Inspect Dockerfile Path:

Confirm that the path to the Dockerfile (\docker\build\nodejs\Dockerfile) is correct and accessible. Ensure there are no typos or misconfigurations in the file path.

Check Docker Compose Settings:

Validate your Docker Compose settings. Specifically, ensure that the Docker Compose V2 option is not checked. Additionally, make sure that the "Use the WSL 2 based engine" option is checked in Docker Desktop.


Addressing the "curl: (6) Could not resolve host:" error involves a careful examination of Docker Compose settings. By ensuring that Docker Compose V2 is unchecked and the WSL 2 based engine is selected in Docker Desktop, you can mitigate this issue and proceed with your headless setup seamlessly.

Note: This solution is based on the specific environment and conditions encountered. It is recommended to adapt these steps as needed, considering the unique aspects of your development setup.

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