Monday, April 27, 2020

SXA Search- tips for troubleshooting and fix

Open the browser and get the SXA query -

The query will look like this -


this query will be generated based on the scope items and settings like sort order etc.

Now,  check the solr logs -

Path - Your solr root directory/server/logs

Generate the SOLR query and try in Solr admin panel.

Example -


Compare the data, in this example, I fund that the query was searhing for "searchable_b":true, but the actual data was "searchable_b":false,

The problem is that the

"searchable_b":false is false and the query is expecting it "searchable_b":true

Solution - by default all pages under home are searchable and for data items, basically we need to perform two things.

1. Add the _Searchable base template -

2. Go to settings and add the associated content.

Here is the result -

1. Before changes -

2. After changes -

Please let me know if you have any issue in SXA search-related components. I will happy to help :) 

Sitecore SXA Search - Custom SearchQueryToken resolver.

Sitecore SXA provided a few OOTB search query token resolvers as mentioned below.
  1. TaggedTheSameAsCurrentPage|SxaTags
  2. TaggedWithAtLeastOneTagFromCurrentPage|SxaTags
  3. UnderCurrentPage
  4. ExcludeCurrentPage
  5. ItemsOfTheSameTemplateAsTheCurrentPage
  6. ItemsWithTheSameValueInField|FieldName
The resolveSearchQuery tokens basically is a pipeline used to add search filters. This pipeline is defined in the Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Search.config file. 
I've added a new one which is ItemsWithTheSameValueInQueryString|FieldName

Benefit- This custom search resolver can be used anywhere where we want to search/ or filter the SXA result based on the query string (Field and Value).

Example - https://website/searchresult?name1=name1Value&name2=name2Value.

Implementation - Add a new class and implement the ResolveSearchQueryTokensProcessor

 public class ItemsWithTheFieldAndValueInQueryString : ResolveSearchQueryTokensProcessor
        protected string TokenPart { get; } = "ItemsWithTheSameValueInQueryString";

        protected override string TokenKey => FormattableString.Invariant(FormattableStringFactory.
            Create("{0}|FieldName", "ItemsWithTheSameValueInQueryString"));

        public override void Process(ResolveSearchQueryTokensEventArgs args)
            if (args.ContextItem == null)

            for (var index = 0; index < args.Models.Count; ++index)
                var model = args.Models[index];
                if (!model.Type.Equals("sxa", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || !ContainsToken(model)) continue;
                var inputTokenFields = model.Value.Replace(TokenPart, string.Empty).TrimStart('|');
                var fieldNames = inputTokenFields.Split(',').ToList();
                if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url != null)
                    var queryCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString

                    NameValueCollection queryCollectionReferrer = null;
                    if (HttpContext.Current.Request.UrlReferrer != null)
                        queryCollectionReferrer = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString

                    foreach (var field in fieldNames)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryCollection[field]))
                            args.Models.Insert(index, BuildModel(field.ToLower(), queryCollection.Get(field)));
                        else if(queryCollectionReferrer != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field) && queryCollectionReferrer.AllKeys.Contains(field) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryCollectionReferrer[field]))
                            args.Models.Insert(index, BuildModel(field, queryCollectionReferrer.Get(field)));                            



        protected virtual SearchStringModel BuildModel(string replace, string fieldValue)
            return new SearchStringModel("custom", FormattableString.Invariant(FormattableStringFactory.Create("{0}|{1}", replace, fieldValue)))
                Operation = "must"

        protected override bool ContainsToken(SearchStringModel m)
            return Regex.Match(m.Value, FormattableString.Invariant(FormattableStringFactory.Create("{0}\\|[a-zA-Z ]*", "ItemsWithTheSameValueInQueryString"))).Success;

Registration -

 <sitecore role:require="Standalone or ContentDelivery or ContentManagement">
        <processor type="Feature.ItemsWithTheFieldAndValueInQueryString, Namespeace" resolve="true" patch:before = "*[1]" />

patch:before = "*[1]"  -  This will be used to keep this patch on the top.

Steps to verify -

Add a SXA Search result component on the page -

You can define the search location, template and this new custom scope item -

Add all the fields required as part of query strings in this custom token resolver.

Add this scope item to the SXA search result component-

Now, you can browse the page and pass the key value in the query string, like this https://website/searchresult?name1=name1Value&name2=name2Value.
 and the SXA result component will provide the updated result :)